Demonstration of Adjustable Fluidic Lens in Microgravity
PI: James Schwiegerling, University of Arizona
PI: James Schwiegerling, University of Arizona
- TA08 Science Instruments, Observations and Sensor Systems
As a specific commercial application, we have demonstrated a compact optical phoropter using adjustable astigmatic and defocus lenses. This technology is aligned with the TA08 Science Instruments, Observatories and Sensor Systems roadmap. Specifically, a fluidic lens has applications within subcategory 8.1.3 Optical Components.
Fluidic lens technology has been successfully demonstrated in the laboratory, and is currently at TRL 4. Theoretically, the lens should perform with the same specifications in zero gravity; however, this has never been tested in a relevant environment. In this project, we plan a single week-long set of four parabolic flights to provide a relevant test environment which will satisfy the exit criteria for TRL 5.
Technology Details
Selection DateAFO6 (Jun 2013)
Program StatusCompleted
- 1 Parabolic
Development Team
PIJames Schwiegerling
SponsorUniversity of Arizona
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