Affordable Vehicle Avionics (AVA)
PI: Amela Zanacic, NASA/Ames Research Center
PI: Amela Zanacic, NASA/Ames Research Center
- TA01 Launch Propulsion Systems
A phased, iterative test approach is proposed with several AVA prototypes flying as non-controlling avionics (piggybacking). The first prototype AVA would fly on a suborbital sounding rocket flight in early FY16. Evaluation of post-flight data and “tuning” of AVA control laws would then be performed, followed by a second suborbital sounding rocket flight later in FY16.
AVA prototypes must be flown on actual rockets to allow for comparison of recorded AVA navigation data and simulated rocket control commands with actual “truth” data and commands collected from test flights. This comparison of data will validate AVA’S performance and provide confidence to launch vehicle developers that AVA can be a viable controller.Without piggybacking on launches, the AVA technology cannot be matured beyond TRL 5.
private sector launch service providers
Technology Details
Selection DateNASA Directed
Program StatusActive
- 2 sRLV
Development Team
PIAmela Zanacic
SponsorNASA Game Changing Development program
PartnersNASA Ames Research Center
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