Rapid Calibration of Space Solar Cells in Suborbital Environments
PI: Justin Lee, Don Walker (Co-I), The Aerospace Corporation
PI: Justin Lee, Don Walker (Co-I), The Aerospace Corporation
- TA03 Space Power & energy Storage
Obtaining performance data on high-efficiency space solar cells in a lab environment is fundamental to development and improvement of these technologies for future Earth and planetary missions.
The main goals of the 1-year project are to: 1. Demonstrate the compact payload can obtain precision measurements of the performance output of high-efficiency solar cell test samples with their temperatures in the stratosphere from suborbital balloon platforms. The module has completed lab tests and is currently at TRL 4. 2. Retrieve the payload following flights and perform comparisons to baseline lab measurements.
The module and data will have cross-cutting interest throughout the US space industry, since satellite designers need accurate data to accurately size solar arrays for their applications and mission profiles. Maturation of the module will also be of interest to high altitude flight providers, academic institutions, and other national labs engaged in photovoltaic research and development, so that they can reliably obtain test data.
Technology Details
Selection DateREDDI-F1-16B (Jan 2017)
Program StatusActive
- 3 Balloon
Development Team
PIJustin Lee
PI Organization
Co-IDon Walker
Co-I Organization
SponsorThe Aerospace Corporation
More Information