Draper Multi-Environment Navigator High Altitude Balloon Campaign
PI: Brett Streetman, Courtney Mario (Co-I), Draper Laboratory Inc.
PI: Brett Streetman, Courtney Mario (Co-I), Draper Laboratory Inc.
- TA04 Robotics, Tele-Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- TA09 Entry, Descent and Landing Systems
As exploration reaches further into the solar system both human missions and a multitude of smaller craft will need to perform Entry, Descent & Landing (EDL) to complete their missions.
Before the flight test, DMEN was at a TRL level of 6-7 for both ground and low-altitude operations. Its descent function, however, required a near-space environment before it could advance from TRL 4. Two balloon flights successfully validated the system’s sensors and algorithms in a high-altitude environment, advancing the technology to TRL 6.
• NASA or commercial human and robotic missions requiring EDL
• Astronaut tracking
• High-speed drones for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
• Guided parafoils for the U.S. Army
Technology Details
Selection DateREDDI-F1-17A (Nov 2017)
Program StatusActive
- 2 Balloon
Development Team
PIBrett Streetman
PI Organization
Co-ICourtney Mario
Co-I Organization
SponsorDraper Laboratory Inc.
More Information