Investigation of Noncondensable and Autogenous Unsettled Cryogenic Pressurization Schemes in Reduced Gravity
PI: Samuel Darr, The Aerospace Corporation, Jason Hartwig (Co-I), NASA/Glenn Research Center
PI: Samuel Darr, The Aerospace Corporation, Jason Hartwig (Co-I), NASA/Glenn Research Center
- NA
Cryogenic tank pressurization is an important architectural element of a future lunar base. Currently, the effect of reduced gravity on pressurant consumption and pressure rise rate is not firmly known. This data is necessary to compare direct and subsurface pressurization schemes with both non-condensable and autogenous gases.
Parabolic flight tests willacquire the data needed to develop and validate reduced gravity cryogenic pressurization models, which can improve the design of propulsion and cryogenic transfer systems. Specifically, this demonstration willadvance the technology’s readiness for unsettled helium and subsurface pressurization, which are currently at TRL 4 and 5 respectively.
This work is a continuation of previous flight testing underT0244.
•Nuclear thermal propulsion systems
•In-space fuel depots
•Liquefaction systems on the Moon and Mars
Technology Details
Selection DateTechFlights20 (Sep 2020)
Program StatusActive
- 0 Parabolic
Development Team
PISamuel Darr
PI Organization
Co-IJason Hartwig
Co-I Organization