Showing 9 technologies
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Parabolic Flight Test of the Microgravity Tolerant InsTrument for Automated Nucleic acid extraction (uTitan)
PI: Kasthuri Venkateswaran, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory- 0 Parabolic
Orbital Syngas Commodity Augmentation Reactor (OSCAR)
PI: Anne Meier, NASA/Kennedy Space Center- 1 sRLV
International Space Station (ISS) Life Science Glovebox (LSG) Crew Restraint
PI: Tori Chinn, NASA/Ames Research Center- 0 Parabolic
New Mexico Student Groups #3 and #4 for SL-8
PI: Pat Hynes, New Mexico Space Grant Consortium- 0 sRLV
New Mexico Student Groups #1 and #2 for SL-7
PI: Pat Hynes, New Mexico Space Grant Consortium- 1 sRLV
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Selection Date
< All Selection Dates- NASA Directed (9)