Showing 360 technologies
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PlanetVac-Xombie2: Honeybee PlanetVac on the Masten Lunar Lander
PI: Kris Zacny, Honeybee Robotics Ltd. - Brooklyn- 0 sRLV
Microgravity Testing of a Large-Scale Liquid Acquisition Device for Cryogenic Fluid Management
PI: Kevin Supak, Southwest Research Institute - San Antonio- 0 sRLV
Composite Origami for Spacecraft Solar Arrays and Deployable Structures
PI: Mark Pankow, North Carolina State University- 0 Parabolic
Propellant Mass Gauging in Gateway Architecture Vehicles
PI: Kevin Crosby, Carthage College- 0 Parabolic
- 0 sRLV
Autonomous Sampling Technology for Biological Research During Suborbital Rocket Flight
PI: Marion Turnbull, Mayo Clinic - Jacksonville- 0 sRLV
Application Of Europa-Clipper Technology For Lunar Radiation Hazard Identification And Characterization
PI: H. Todd Smith, Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Lab- 0 sRLV
ARMAS Dual Monitor Pre-Operations Mission Demonstration (ARMAS DM POMD)
PI: W Kent Tobiska, Space Environment Technologies (SPACEWX)- 0 Balloon
RadPC@scale - Suborbital Flight Demonstration of a Radiation Tolerant Computer System at-Scale
PI: Brock LaMeres, Montana State University - Bozeman- 2 Balloon
Flight Testing a GNSS Radio Occultation Autonomous System for Commercial Space Weather Applications
PI: Bryan Chan, Night Crew Labs, LLC- 0 Balloon
Assessment of Forward Sensing Turbulence Detection Strategies for Stratospheric Flight
PI: Sean Bailey, University of Kentucky- 0 Balloon
Silicon-based Microfluidic Blood Test for Spaceflight
PI: Susana Zanello, IMEC USA Nanoelectronics Design Center, Inc.- 0 Parabolic
Biological Imaging in Support of Suborbital Science
PI: Rob Ferl, University of Florida - Gainesville- 0 sRLV
Draper Multi-Environment Navigator (DMEN) Suborbital Rocket Campaign
PI: Brett Streetman, Draper Laboratory Inc.- 0 sRLV
Platform Type
Selection Date
- TechFlights21 (Dec 2021) (9)
- EPSCoR22 (Aug 2022) (3)
- FlightsofOpportunity (5)
- TechLeap21 (Sep 2021) (4)
- TechLeap22 (3)
- INTERNAL2021 (19)
- INTERNAL2020 (6)
- ISS JSC/OZ (3)
- INTERNAL2022 (2)
- TechFlights20 (Sep 2020) (35)
- TechFlights19 (Oct 2019) (26)
- REDDI-F1-18 (Aug 2018) (15)
- REDDI-F1-17B (Apr 2018) (6)
- REDDI-F1-17A (Nov 2017) (9)
- NASA Internal (Apr 2017) (2)
- REDDI-F1-16B (Jan 2017) (5)
- NASA Internal (Oct 2016) (2)
- NASA Internal (Jul 2016) (2)
- REDDI-F1-16 (Jul 2016) (11)
- USIP-15 (Apr 2016) (2)
- NASA Internal (Mar 2016) (1)
- REDDI-F1-15 (Nov 2015) (7)
- REDDI-F1-14 (Apr 2015) (6)
- AFO8 (Apr 2014) (13)
- USIP-13 (Aug 2013) (4)
- NRA-2-APP-E (Aug 2013) (11)
- AFO6 (Jun 2013) (21)
- AFO5 (Jan 2013) (13)
- AFO4 (Aug 2012) (2)
- NRA-1-APP-A (Jul 2012) (14)
- AFO3 (Mar 2012) (24)
- AFO2 (Oct 2011) (9)
- AFO1 (May 2011) (16)
- NASA Directed (40)
Technology Areas
- TA01 Launch Propulsion Systems (10)
- TA02 In-Space Propulsion Technologies (41)
- TA03 Space Power & energy Storage (10)
- TA04 Robotics, Tele-Robotics and Autonomous Systems (35)
- TA05 Communication and Navigation (25)
- TA06 Human Health, Life Support and Habitation Systems (64)
- TA07 Human Exploration Destination Systems (22)
- TA08 Science Instruments, Observations and Sensor Systems (54)
- TA09 Entry, Descent and Landing Systems (25)
- TA10 Nanotechnology (8)
- TA11 Modeling, Simulation, Information Technology and Processing (13)
- TA12 Materials, Structures, Mechanical Systems and Manufacturing (20)
- TA13 Ground and Launch Systems Processing (9)
- TA14 Thermal Management Systems (28)